1-on-1 Consultations

Individual help from one of our expert team

You'll be matched with one of our
expert consultants

Stuck? Want an objective, expert perspective on your career situation? Our 1-on-1 consultations are designed to leave you feeling focused and on track.

  • Get dedicated, personal attention from one of our senior career consultants
  • Get answers to the career change questions that have been keeping you stuck
  • Leave feeling clearer and more confident about your next steps

Here's what previous 1-on-1 consultation clients have said

“I really enjoyed my session with John. He immediately understood my needs, providing me with valuable and effective suggestions – all within the allocated time! John was focused and concentrated on the practical aspects of the job search, deeply understanding the application process. As a result of the 1-on-1 consultation, I was offered an interview using the advice I was given to re-write my application.”

Teresa - Energy Sector

“Natasha was warm and friendly, putting me at ease, which meant I felt comfortable being honest about my situation. Together we identified three things to start investigating, and as a result, I’m finding new ideas are popping up in my mind fairly regularly!”

Elliot - On a Career Break

“Angie helped me to realise that it's fine to reach out to people for career conversations before I've figured out exactly what it is I want to do next – I'd feared that I’d be wasting people's time or appear uninformed. She was open that she wasn't a specialist in my particular field but used her experience to challenge some of my assumptions. Angie did a great job and I came away with a lot more clarity!”

James - Digital Content Producer

How it works

  • Step 1

    Register for a consultation

  • Step 2

    Complete our pre-consultation questionnaire

  • Step 3

    Choose a time to speak to your consultant

  • Step 4

    Do the session over phone or video conference

Book a consultation

Get unstuck with expert 1-on-1 help from one of our senior career consultants.

Pre-call questionnaire
45mins 1-on-1 call


Who are your consultants?

Our consultants are experienced career change specialists with many years’ experience working with people at all stages of career transition. Each of them has made at least one career change, so they’re speaking from experience of both sides – as a career changer and as a coach.

What should I expect?

Your 45-minute consultation will be held via video call or telephone.

The consultant you meet with will be familiar with your situation, having carefully read your intake form and any other information you wish to share. They’ll listen carefully to the challenges and concerns you’re faced with in your career change, and offer insights, ideas and guidance tailored to your situation.

You’ll leave with a clearer understanding of what’s been keeping you stuck, and a game plan for how to move forward.

When are the sessions available?

We'll provide you with a range of times when you can book your session (usually over the next fortnight), including daytime slots and evening slots, to ensure you can find one that's convenient to you.

Is this coaching?

The consultant you meet with may happen to be a coach, but these are not coaching sessions.

Coaching is designed to help you find your own answers to challenges, and is usually a process that takes place in multiple sessions over time. A coach will never give you advice or suggest what to do.

But sometimes what you need and want is a one-off jump-start to get you moving, and to tap in to the knowledge and expertise of a specialist. That’s where these sessions come in.

What if I don’t know what I want to do?

We work with people at every stage of the career change process. Our consultations are designed for you if you have no ideas, too many ideas, or a clear idea of what you want to do next. Regardless of which category you fall into, if you’re stuck, we can help.

Can you suggest jobs for me to do?

The world of work is vast, and what you find fulfilling is based on a rich range of elements. As such, we won't give you specific job recommendations. What we can do is help you understand effective approaches to discover what’s right for you.

I don't feel I'm ready yet to commit to a 1-on-1 session. What other support do you suggest?

Our workshops are a powerful and cost-effective starting point to kick start your career change.